Monday, February 8, 2010


SURPRISE FOLKS........ I know you ask me where the f@#k is the head, well the truth is im working on it know. I create this creature in max on Saturday, I well fully texture and sculpt him in z brush for a much more realistic look dont worry I am still working on the ninja viewers and I will finish him. I modeled this guy from one view, the side view just like the last model and of course I used my artist intuition I know it looks a little from the reference art so for give me. different Be shore to leave me some comments.......


  1. Good to see you step out a bit

    keep going..your design and concept intuition will grow as you practice.
    you'll need to start looking at nature (bug, insects, undersea life. to really get into the feel.

    but dont stop

  2. i like what you've done to make it clear
    just keep hittin it HARD!!

    for us and you know what i mean.

    we have to be three times as good to get in.
    and at that point..if im three times better than YOU..why would i want to work FOR you.

    we'll talk on this concept more in the future bro

    just keep going & take no prisoners i got your back.

  3. Thanks Walt, I know what you mean and its a powerful point. trust and believe Im going to keep pushing until Im better and better at this art thing. powerful point and Ill never forget it.

  4. Oh, his head is going to be in the shape of a worm with one big eye ball. also i got some great painting software that allows you to pant in a traditional style up to a much more future style
