Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Monster Beast

Here a quick update on the monster beast folks. Be sure to leave me a comment on the anatomy folks. The anatomy is the key focus for the torso at the moment. I am still working on the crab ant body but right now the torso and up is the pain focus.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Here is a little anatomy practice. Here I am trying to get in to some forms. If you notice on my blog I never realy draw my charecters from angles so ill be switching my style up some folks. I plane on fusing juggernaut and this anatomy book to get the best possible mesh. Also up top is a z sketch practice run. I find that each time i z sketch i get better and better. I am also a littel comfortable with z sketching now Please leave me a comment on the test pic if possible folks.....

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Hello viewers I have completed the ninja and i intend to upload him between now and next Thursday. right now I am tweaking hem. I plane to have hem in his pose and ready for a portfolio pic. Keep an eye out from now and Thursday for the final result.
with the help of Damion my comic con 2010 project will be Juggernaut.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Eye I Mean Head

Well folks I am back at it again this time I have created the head and I've decided to go with one hedge eye the design looks a little different from the original design. I wanted to do something a little different than traditional beast. Be sure to leave me comments on what you think. Peace......

Ninja texture

Whats up viewers as you can see I am in the process of texturing my ninja. I am not finished but the is what he will pretty much look in the end of this project. As we can see the hands are not yet done I also just thought of a cool noise idea for the breastplate. It is now 3:18 am and I am still up grinding. Sweet for me I guest.


I am using both textured UV's from max and poly paint from z brush right now I like where the texturing process is heading, but ill like even more once its finished and perfected. Thanks Walt for bthe tips.

Hm.... the top image is pretty coll for a major ninja battle.

Monday, February 8, 2010


SURPRISE FOLKS........ I know you ask me where the f@#k is the head, well the truth is im working on it know. I create this creature in max on Saturday, I well fully texture and sculpt him in z brush for a much more realistic look dont worry I am still working on the ninja viewers and I will finish him. I modeled this guy from one view, the side view just like the last model and of course I used my artist intuition I know it looks a little from the reference art so for give me. different Be shore to leave me some comments.......

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Shading Game

O.k I have be practicing my shading from the new texturing book I bought. I know I have much to learn but I think its improved from the last shaded work Iv done in the past. Be shore to leave me a comment folks.

Oh, In two weeks Ill have a sweet surprise for you the viewers..............................................................


Friday, February 5, 2010

New 2D Art

Here is a evil crab beast Iv created Bout two days ago. Just wanted to post him I think he's a cool creature. This is just a quick sketch of him.

Look for this guy in the future................

New Goods

Whats up viewers I know its been a while and trust and believe I have been practicing. On the unwrap of then ninja body i still have details that i need to fix up withe the before i can call it complete and begin its texture process. Also my mentor Walt told me that the hands are not done. In other words don't call the project done if the hands have no detail. He told me the hands are just as imported as the body so i fixed them.

These days in the gaming industry every thing are being viewed from the head to the feet on 3d Art...................

Oh there is still some more detail to be added to the hand

Art Upgrade

Hello views I have three new books that will help me improve my art skills in a variety of different ways. The anatomy books is a guide to drawling females, I have a game artis book that shows how to texture, color, and shade your work. Lastly the super man book I bought haves great postures I love the great poses the book haves to offer. I will have a update later on tonight on my characters UV's and hands. See you in a few.