Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Its now 5:o8 and i have the ab plate complete. I decided to take brake from watching and reading z brush tutorials. man..... talking about a all niter, Iv been staying up from morning to morning for three weeks to get better in z brush and 2D drawing now.

God I hope karma is good to me in the future........ lol

Here is my ninja with detailed armor on. During this process I used the slandered brush and played withe the brush size. Insted of clicking the zsub button I held the alt to dig into the mesh. A noise texture will be applied to the armor for a more realistic look.

Im not finished with the armor by far folks.............


  1. the focus had paid off
    keep going.
    make sure you have fun along the way.
    After the day i had ...im playing some Darksiders.

    might do some drawing for the night cap.

  2. Thanks Walt, I enjoy what I do now so its only right that I try my best. Thanks once again bro. Oh Iv joined the comic con challenge.

    Oh I am competing for 2010...........

  3. Oh lol, enjoy Darksiders bro and please tell me how that game is I am getting my ps3 on next Thursday and I want it.
