Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ninja at 90% Completion

Hello viewers, The ninja is almost complete if you closely the nois layout under the armor is slitly different. Its bubbled outwards rather than indented. I made small corrections to the knees and legs. The ninja is about 90% done. Ill be making some miner tweaks here and there following the tweaks is the texture mapping. Oh, The gun and sword will be with the ninja.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

ZB Crysis Tecture

O.K., so here is a test texture of the crisis skin noise texture on the ninja. tonight i will be making some making the complete version.

peace viewers.....

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


O.K O.K. O.k.

Here is what I call a dog beast. Nice beast for the ninja to fight I say

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Its now 5:o8 and i have the ab plate complete. I decided to take brake from watching and reading z brush tutorials. man..... talking about a all niter, Iv been staying up from morning to morning for three weeks to get better in z brush and 2D drawing now.

God I hope karma is good to me in the future........ lol

Here is my ninja with detailed armor on. During this process I used the slandered brush and played withe the brush size. Insted of clicking the zsub button I held the alt to dig into the mesh. A noise texture will be applied to the armor for a more realistic look.

Im not finished with the armor by far folks.............


Here is the ninja with his armor on. The black leg pad you see is the style I want to follow for the legs, arms, and shoulder. for the grayish area i wont to go with this blue armor texture from crysis.

Monday, January 18, 2010


HEEEELLLLLLOOOOO VIEWERS! Here is my ninja body in z brush i did a few muscular tweaks to the body for a much more realistic look. OH before I leave the blog tonight I promise to upload the ninja body with the armor tomorrow.

Good night viewers........

This z brush created head sort of looks similar to the head on the eat3d z brush DVD. I wasn't trying to go with this style but hay it works for a practice run. It just happened. The ninja pic up top is still in progress.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Whats up viewers here is the style Ii have came up with for the ninja. There are still some tweaks I want to make to this ninja sketch. Before the ninja mesh is complete in max and ready for z brush. I haven't decided how i want to do the legs yet but for now this is what i have. Oh there will be some hard texture look to the red area on the body and i am also thinking about making the red area on the body darker as well. Also before i go just want to let my viewers know tomorrow you will differently see the ninja weapons in their 2D form. Good night viewers.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ninja Bot

YUP, YUP, YUP.... Just gotta attach the head and hands

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Ninja Helmet

Here is the long anticipated ninja helmet folks, Im happy up to this point. i have a few parts to complete on the helmet. but for tonight this will do.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Saturday, January 9, 2010

My Z-Brush Start

here is three z brush practice pics. its not an official armor for the ninja.Reading z brush books and looking at the DVD are starting to make the program much more conferable. These three pics are just quick practices sculptures in z brush.

Quick update 2

quick update with minor changes and a neck. goodnight folks.....

Friday, January 8, 2010

Last update for tonight

well here is the body folks, just needs a few minor tweaks here and there. I am proud of this one definably because i just use one picture references. a reference of the side view no font or back. Good Night Folks!!!!....................................................

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Update On T-Tiles

In the process of this exercise i decided to exercise my imagination playing with thumb tile. This is what i have came up with. there will deffinently be more of these exercises folks. Be shore to leave me a comment.

Quick update

Quick update on the arm, croch and legs. the updates are miner and small. just want to show of some quick detailing

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Unfinished Business 2, Max style

Here is an up grade of my ninja mesh. Tomorrow I well be uploading a 2D art form of his weapons both a sword and a gun. Also his clothes and armor.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Next Project

here is two of my latest art works and my next 3ds max and zbrush work. All three of these projects art still in development.

Friday, January 1, 2010


HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. and check this new pic out. Its just a NEW YEAR sample for the NEW YEAR.