Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dominance War 5 Pre Competition

Whats up world. I'm back with a new contest update for u all to see. the contest was the Dominance War 5 pre competition. The goal of the competition is to build a low poly MMO character for a dominance war MMO game. Not to happy with the final progress of the character because of time constraints with school work.I definitely wanted to do more with the character. Since the winter brake just started be on the look out for massive art work updates. Also be on the look out for a major up and coming surprise in the quickly approaching future.

Walt although you have seen this yesterday, please give me some feed back about what you think. LOL.

Post to you later, peace................


  1. good job.
    just finishing something is really the key to improving

  2. Thanks Del. I guess my main focus was to get the model complete for the submission date at least. but i kno for the main competition ill have my character complete or a least to a place were i am content.
