Thursday, May 27, 2010

New Nickolai Update.

Here is a quick Nickolai update and if you notice his face and chin is a little longer to make him look a little younger. I want him to feel and look younger,but not to young. After all he is in his 40's. I still have tweaks to do but this will do for to night. I gotta draw right now. good night.

1 comment:

  1. it looks nice but you should get rid of the wrinkles in his forehead and his mandable is slightly off. In the front view his mandable is curving outward the goes down to his chin it should be curving inward then go down to the chin. Also it kinda look like hes doing the people's eyebrow (WWE the rock) it looks like you didnt use sym when you did the upper part of the eye.
