Monday, May 31, 2010

Just Some Small Notes

Just Some Small Notes. Oh I forgot to add in different spots of the vest there will be tight stretch wrinkles such as around the Pectorals, Trapeze, and the Anterior area.

Nick's New Update 2

Hello world, here is a update of Nickolai's vest. I decided to go with a organic leather stitch feel for the vest portion. and for the neck brace and shoulder pad portion I decided to go with a armored metal plate feel for those portions.

The stitches were created in photo shop on a gray scale to make alphas. As always I am still tweaking. I have tweaks to do around the pectoral's and abdominal area of the vest. Be sure to tell me what you think.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Nick's New Update

O.k. here is Nickolai's leg update I am trying to figure out how I am going to do his boots. The only problem is i am trying to figure out if I want to do shoes or boot.


I think boots would be better, after all he is a soldier. I still have tweaks to do to the hands, feet and legs, but I just wanted to show of the progress. I also Notice how he looks like Kratos.


Friday, May 28, 2010

Vein Test

Nickoali Torso Update

Not much to say here other than its a work in progress. I still have tweaks to do the torso for a more realistic feel. For the moment this is what i have. Also if you are watching Walt I didn't forget the hands be for I leave the torso I will get them done.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

New Nickolai Update.

Here is a quick Nickolai update and if you notice his face and chin is a little longer to make him look a little younger. I want him to feel and look younger,but not to young. After all he is in his 40's. I still have tweaks to do but this will do for to night. I gotta draw right now. good night.

Another face update.

Here is another face update. I am nearly done with the head I just gotta work on the ears a little more and tweak things here and there. Please leave me comments.


Here is a work in progress. It's the start of Nickolai's head I decided to start with the head and face for a personality feel of this character.

Z Brushed Nickolai

This is just a test to get me back in the grove of z brush. there will probable be more of these for practice. Just gotta get a understanding of what tools are good for what for different sections of the character.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

New Character Next Model update 7

Heres an update of Nickolai I am still tweaking the base meshes of the character and by to day I plan to start the z brush process. He will have pants and sleeves but that will be taken care if in z brush. I also plan to do seams and other lovely handy work to Nickolai.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Nickolai Update 6/Vest

Here is the updated copy of Nickolai in his updated vest form. the vest is still under construction at the moment but I wanted to show of the progress on it. Its going good so far and with the brace on the vest but at the moment I am trying to decide if I want to shorten or keep it at the same height. I was even thinking of making it taller above the nose a bit.

New Character Next Model update 5

Here is the Nickolai 3D update, with this character I had to go back and fix the thighs and the torso a bit. I had to fix the Latissimus muscle abit fro the front a bit to make the character more realistic. At this current state I am working on the neck brace and vest.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Color Work

Here is a practice pic I am working on at the moment. I plan to have a full background along with more parts of the body on this pic. Again this is practice pic to get me in the mood of coloring art work. Expect more of these. along with this pic is Nickolai 2d Head sketch. You may notice that he looks a little like superman, but that come from reading and borrowing my brother comics.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

New Character Next Model update 4

I have made changes to Nickolai's base mesh. I will upload the new picture tomorrow after I attach the hand. So definitely keep an eye out for it tomorrow.

Good night.............

New Character Next Model update 3

With Turbo Smooth
without Turbo smooth

Here is the first Nickolai mesh. Not much to say here, but i know the Head and arms need some more work. Not only those features but the neck to. So far in this project I see tons of progress and improvement especially on the anatomy.

Friday, May 14, 2010

New Character Next Model update 2

Not much to say here but im still working on the vest and vest straps along with the utility belt. He's body will be a tad bit bigger, perhaps that a job for zbrush. leave me some comments people, please lol.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Ruff drape i mean draft

This is a ruff draft of how i want my character to look. The drape will wrap around Nick like so. The only difference will be the neck brace will be under the drape and the drape will wrap around it. Also it will be shredded to give the indication of a battle soldier who roams the world. this here is a Clint Eastwood movie cap from Man With No Name.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

New Character Next Model 2

Now that I am in a new process of character creation I under stand its best to pump out lots of pic and poses on him. so keep an eye out on him folks.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

New Character Next Model

My new character, is a soldier set in the year 3020. he is a desert soldier. along with his armor will come a drape that wraps around his body these are the first sketches. so please leave me comments on what you think. Along with this first design is my first reference pic of the character. He will definitely be my next 3d Model.