Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Flying Warrior

Last pic for to night. i decided to do a warrior jumping off a mountain to kill a dragon. It kinda sucks for the warrior, i guess he haven't thought out how he's going to make a safe landing. lol, please leave me some comments on your thoughts.


  1. your angle/ perspective is off on this one.

    the image is very flat no dynamic camera or movement to it even though the guy is flying.

    nothing cinematic about it.
    if your going to add background mountians make sure to make them smaller as they go back into the distance. This will add depth to your image greatly.

    take the previous one for instance... good camera angle, lines exist to propel the viewer into the picture. your perspective WORKED on that one.
    set this scene up in 3d max and look at how it pans out.
    using a 3d program to create your perspective is NOT a cheat but a tool.

    it's all about the angles my man :)

  2. thanks Walt ill take the new info you just gave me and redo the picture.
