Thursday, December 31, 2009

Paint Job

This particular picture is quite older than the last couple of post I mad. I am posting it now because of the new paint job. I am now experimenting with colors.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Auto Bomb is the name

O.k, about 2 hours ago i was in the middle of my art exercise and i was trying to flow with lighter strokes. In this new process this is what i came up with. Meet Auto Bomb. this character will indeed be developing this character more in the future. good night world or shale i say good morning.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Unfinished Business

This picture here is still in development. I am indeed proud of this picture. So here is the early stages of it. Please leave some comments.


Iv just completed this picture using some of the helpful information my mentor gave. It was to create a picture with a more cinematic view and as you see in the last picture i posted with the guy in the air trying to attack the dragon the angle of the human, dragon, and mountain was off. in the post before that the camera angel was much better. It was much more cinematic

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas viewers. Remember today is not about receiving but giving. Remember to share your love, grace, and respect with everyone. Even with you enemies. Take advantage of the time and love spent with each and every one around you today. and thank god for the ones that made it with to this very special day. In other Count your blessings, "Oh be thankful for the hand knitted tube sock your grandma gave you. they will come in handy". God bless and good night.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Flying Warrior

Last pic for to night. i decided to do a warrior jumping off a mountain to kill a dragon. It kinda sucks for the warrior, i guess he haven't thought out how he's going to make a safe landing. lol, please leave me some comments on your thoughts.

PLAY PIC 3 Monster vs Warrior

what can i say just trying to do whole action scenes now. Tell me what you think viewers.

Monday, December 21, 2009


Some new play pics I have just created.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Avata Inspired Pics

So yesterday me and Damion mentor Walt took us to go see James Cameron's new movie Avatar. the movie was extremely amazon. great story, great CG, and lots of action. Oh and the general was bad ass. Super bad ass!!!! These are some cool ideas that pooed up while watching the avatar movie. I have a ton of new ideas so stay tuned with mesh reals over the next couple of days to check them out.

Thanks Walt for taking me and Damion to go see this great film.

Monday, December 14, 2009


A new picture i was playing with today.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Alien update

so i was in class listening to my boring teacher and i sketch a alien on my home work before i turned it in. since i love the alien sketch i redid it in sketch book pro here it is.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Colosso Bot

Up top is my own warrior.

o.k. this is a robot I've done about 20 minutes ago. i used alchemy and sketch book pro for this new pic please leave me some comments.