Monday, June 7, 2010

Quick Nickolai Update ...........

O.K. here is a quick Nickolai update as you can see there are small and minor changes to Nickolai. The Boots, knee pads and pouches are tweaked a bit. Now all I have to do is add the hair, drape, and weapons. After those items are complete I will be tweaking refining the hole mesh as well ass the hands and vents on his legs. Also the accessories, But for now this is what I have. Above is the beast that will be posing in Nickolai's action pic. I wont reveal the front yet because its still a work in progress just like the back view. One was drawn in photo shop using the I draw girls tutorial and the other was done in sketch book pro free hand.


this beast will be huge and creepy.

Please Leave Your Thoughts.


  1. Not bad detail on the model.
    at some point you'll want to getinto modeling each part individually that way it wont looks so one piece..but it looks Good!
    it shows your observing.
    how close is it to what you envisoined? if close start painting him :)

  2. It's close to what I envisioned in terms of numbers about 3 out of 4. So it's not that of from what I envisioned. I gotta do the gloves, hair, drape and weapons to. I also gotta work on the hands as well. But thanks Walt.

  3. Oh also I modeled each part individually I just have the pouches selected.
