Friday, January 8, 2010

Last update for tonight

well here is the body folks, just needs a few minor tweaks here and there. I am proud of this one definably because i just use one picture references. a reference of the side view no font or back. Good Night Folks!!!!....................................................


  1. I think it looks better than the Naruto model too but I still see a few things you could improve on, on this one.
    His arms are too long. They come too far down.Also the chest is off. Seperate his pectorals in his chest. Realistically we have 2 mucsles in our chest but in your model it looks like one long one. I also feel like his torso is a little to long. Look at a skeleton and look at the ribcage and pelvis. Notice how much room is in between the 2. Also notice how far the ribcage goes before it stops. Also look how the skin lays over top of both giving us curves in our abdomin region. Other than that it looks straight. Peace HOOOOMMMMEEE BBBBBOOOOOIIIII!!!!
