Thursday, August 19, 2010


Here is a map test that i have forgot to upload last night. It still needs work, but for a beginning map test it looks pretty cool. Once again this is just a map test. Well gotta get back to work viewers. Talk to you later one.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Quick Udate................

Nothing yet worth seeing other than my new progress as an artist. I finally understand the displacement technique and how to use it. Just wanted to show off the progress a newly found technique. In the past I tried this technique and got no results. Now all I got to do is learn how to clean it up. I now know the problem. Well, be sure to leave me comment on your thoughts folks. Again this is just a test to test a displacement map on a low poly mesh.

OH, p.s. I finaly learned how to use displacement maps on low poly meshes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....................................

Monday, August 2, 2010

Current Update.

Whats up viewers, here is a thumb tile practice pic that I have worked on for a small brake. I was taking a little brake from the Croucher and also to give me a worm up before getting back to work on the sculpt. As far as the Croucher things are going better and smoother than other past projects. Be sure to keep an eye out for updates.
