Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Check out the gear....

Well here is some small and minor update on the up and coming character. of course there are new mesh features done to it. At the moment they are still in progress. Also from the front the head is a little slimmer than before. Also the eyes are white to highlight the features. In all I think it looks more disturbing.

With that being said good night folks.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Quick New Beast Update

Here is a new update on my new character. Not much to say other than the head still needs work from the side and back. The character is still in progress over all. so with that being said be sure to leave me comments.


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Another Update / E Loop

Just got finished with the arms and hands. So far its going smooth. there is no triangles in the mesh so far.


The mesh is extremely low poly so that makes me happy. I am loving the current progress at the moment and I noticed that my skills have increased withe the edge looping process. Gotta get back to works so leave me a comment. Peace.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Edge Looping The Next Portfolio Mesh

Hello world, about 25 minuets I started the edge looping process of my next character and so far I am happy with the process. so far in there is no triangles at in the current mesh.

YAY !!!!!!!!!

This makes me happy because it show progress in my edge looping skill. Keep an eye out for more the next update. Oh yea there are tweaks to be made.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Character Update..... / Nickolai

Hello world, not Much to say here other than I am happy with the progress of my next and upcoming model. Its still in progress but the only thing I am trying to figure out is if I want the gun to be at torso height or at the bottom of him...........

Other than that here is the progress of Nickolai he is still a work in progress but for now I will work on the next character a while. Don't get me wrong I am still going to finish Nickolai. At the moment I am currently working on his pouches.

Some fun that is, lol.......


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New Nickolai Update

Not much to say here other than I am still grinding.

Be sure to leave comments....

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Another Nickolai Update 4......

Another Nickolai update on the eyes. Leave me your thoughts


Here are some new character updates. The 2d art is my next 3D model. Its still under construction. The character is suppose to be extremely mechanical with a humanoid torso. In the glass chamber the organs, bones, and cartilage will be displayed. Also the chamber will be filled with a blood and pus base fluid to add to its abominable base feel. There will be more updates on this character. The other pics are Nickolai updates I have worked on the drape, armor, gloves, and Eyes a bit. The poly paint is far from done but for now this is what I wave. I still Have to ad pigment to the skin and armor coated textures to the armor. Also fabric and leather textures to the gun strap, gloves, and drape. So far Every thing is still under construction.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Nickolai Update Leg Armor 2 .........

Here is a Nickolai texture update on the gloves, shoes, legs, armor, and gun strap. The leg armor is still in progress. As of the moment the armor plate is to shiny and that do to the specular and texture map I have going on.

Like I said the poly paint still a work in progress, but your thoughts would be helpful.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Monday, June 14, 2010

POLY Paint Armor Preview

Small armor preview with the poly paint.

Good night..........

Another Poly Paint Update.

Here is another update on Nickolai's poly paint. I am still at it and can't wait to finish the model over all.


Not much to say here, but I started Nickolai's poly paint. At the moment his neck and head is the focus of the poly paint. Also i got to give the skin a realistic skin texture. I Also have to spray on the skin pigments.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

New Nickolai Update 4/ Gloves ans Veins...........

As you can see there is not much to say here other than Nickolai has the gloves on. Also if you look at his arms closely he has veins. Not much to say here other than I have tweaks to do to the over all mesh and then I will poly paint.

Well, Good Night Viewers............

Another Nickolai Update 3....

Here Is Nickolai so far. So far I have the drape shredded and now I am tweaking him.If you look from the side the drape can be pulled in a bit closer to Nickolai's body. For the most part I am getting ready for his poly paint witch will be extremely fun lol. All the tweaks are minor but major for this character to pop. after the poly paint the posing will begin. Oh yeah I gotta give him gloves.

Quick test on Nickolai's drape........

Here a quick test on Nickolai's drape. during this process I came up with a new way to shred Nickolai's drape. So fare it gets the point across. Tell me what you think.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Some Foot Work

During this update I focused on the feet because of their largeness. With the feet I wanted to capture boot that was contour to the body in height, length, and width and so far this is what I have.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Its Complete.............

Its Complete.....

Another Nickolai Update 2

I am currently working on the strap and its a lot of fun. lol.......

Still a work in progress. Tell me what you think.

New Nickolai Update/ Gun

Hello world during the creation of Nickolai's gun I forgot how he would carry it. So after 2 min. of thinking I decided why not put a shoulder strap on the gun and wrap it around him. The gun is still in progress but for now this is what I have. Be sure to leave me comments on your thoughts.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Another new pic 2

Here is the same pic just more detailed. I think I am starting to get an understanding of this technique. It's still a work in progress so tell me what you think.

Another new pic

Another Update Same Pic.

Still Learning From The I Draw Girls Vids

Another work in progress.

Nickolai's First Weapon

Hear is Nickolai's First Weapon, The P90. At the moment it needs some work done to the handle. Nothing that z brush cant fix. Over all the process of creating it was under an hour.


The detail of this gun will be done in z brush. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Super Man

Just a update on the super man Image. I gotta complete this one. Its still in progress. tell me what you think also here is a Nickolai update I worked on the boots a bit because they was to long. I still have to sculpt his glove and make final tweaks all over the mesh.

Good night................................

Another Drape Update...........

Another drape update. Still a work in progress.

Nickolai's Drape Update..........

Hello world Back again today here is a updated copy of Nickolai. As you can see he has his drape on. I was going to wait until later to show you what it looks like, but you deserve a sneak peak. During this process I created the drape in a cape form. What I plan to do is fix up just like the post below this post, but 100 times better. Got to get back to work, so be sure to leave me comments.

Nickolai's Drape

Here is an update on Nickolai's drape. Not much to say about it other than these are 2 looks I have in mind. I am still coming up with different styles. What I do know is i don't want a drape that will take away from the mesh, nor a drape that will hide the key essence of the mesh.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Nickolai's Beast........

Here is the beast Nickolai will be battling. This is not the final sketch. As you can see things need work on it, such as the eye. But for now leave your comments.

Quick Nickolai Update ........... 2

Just a quick update on Nicolais hair again. Its jut more detailed. I now have a new technique for all types of hair.


Nicolai's Hair

Hello world. As you can see I have added so changes to Nickolai's head. He now has hair, So no more colds winters Nickolai.


Its still in the process of being complete, Leave comments on your thoughts.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Quick Nickolai Update ...........

O.K. here is a quick Nickolai update as you can see there are small and minor changes to Nickolai. The Boots, knee pads and pouches are tweaked a bit. Now all I have to do is add the hair, drape, and weapons. After those items are complete I will be tweaking refining the hole mesh as well ass the hands and vents on his legs. Also the accessories, But for now this is what I have. Above is the beast that will be posing in Nickolai's action pic. I wont reveal the front yet because its still a work in progress just like the back view. One was drawn in photo shop using the I draw girls tutorial and the other was done in sketch book pro free hand.


this beast will be huge and creepy.

Please Leave Your Thoughts.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Another Update ThisTime............

Here is another update on Nickolai. I am currently working on his gear pouches. At the moment I prity much have the base shapes and flow for the pouches. Now it time for the hard hand refining and tweaking. After the pouch is done I plane to work on the hair and drape. Then once that is comeplete I will be tweaking and refining the entire mesh before painting. Please leave me some comments.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Nickolai New shoes

Hello world, as you can see I am now working Nickolai's boots. I just wanted to show off his current process. There are more tweaks to be made to the boots as well as other parts of the model. The process of the boots is rolling along just gotta finish them as well as the vents on the legs.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Nickolai Update Leg Armor

Here is a updated Pic of Nickolai. At the current moment I a working vents that are located on his legs. other than that, that's all for now.